IGO? About Us
I remember being 9 years old when I ripped open my Christmas gift and what should be inside but a purple N64. A coveted possession...
I remember being 9 years old when I ripped open my Christmas gift and what should be inside but a purple N64. A coveted possession amongst my friends. While I'd played NES with my brother, and always lost, this was different - it was *mine*.
The hours I cruised around DK64 hold some of my fondest memories with friends, and alone, altogether too close to the TV set ( I can still hear my Mom shouting ). Games since my youth have served a special place of curiosity, problem solving, and exploring. They still work in that way for me now.
My name is Christen, and I'm the founder and operator of IGO. Indie Game Origin was crafted with love to showcase the creative storytellers, artists, designers, and devs who are griding everyday at their tabletop, on their PC, world-building in Unity, and forging unique new problems for players to solve. Here you'll find the passion that keeps an ever-changing landscape of games alive and well.